Wednesday, May 19, 2010
the real world

every morning I wind my own spring

I have done my research. There are all sorts of benefits to being a Morning Person. According to various sources, I’ll be more productive, energetic and bright-eyed, not to mention that I’ll lose weight and my skin will be more radiant. In summary, I’ll be happier, as well as a more successful, aesthetically pleasing person. There are also many proven methods available that I can use to transform myself into a Morning Person. Obviously, going to bed earlier and having a deep sleep are very important and tai chi, avoiding caffeine, lavender candles, Eckhart Tolle and bananas are supposed to help with those.
But I have a better idea, one that suits me a little better than St Mary’s Thistle and early morning walks. It came to me on the morning of my 21st birthday party. For the first time in weeks, maybe months, I woke up early, of my own accord. My eyes flew open and I got out of bed immediately, quickly dressed and started doing things. No multiple iPhone alarms, snuggling my boyfriend, turning on The Today Show. (Isn’t Lisa Wilkinson divine?) No, I just woke up and got out of bed. Why? Because I was excited. I was seeing the people I love. I was proud of the party I had organised for them. I had a lovely outfit to wear. I had things that I needed to get done. If only I could be so passionate about facing each and every day, I wouldn't have to worry about alarm clocks and Tryptophan-enriched foods. It would just come naturally. So there existed my new aspiration: to make my days so exciting and fulfilling that I woke up easily and bounced out of bed every morning.
I tried that for a few weeks. You know, writing lists and making plans to fill my days with fun and laughter, trying to build anticipation and excite a passion that would miraculously trigger my eyes to fly open at the break of dawn. But the truth is that, no matter how hard we try, our days will be varied. Some will be overwhelmingly awful or mind-numbingly boring, and others will be exhilarating or just plain lovely. The majority will be a combination of all of these. Coming to this realisation helped me to acknowledge that it’s not so much my life that has to change, as much as my mindset: above all, my subconscious needs to acknowledge that this wonderful world we live in has so much more to offer than the comfortable little cocoon that engulfs me every morning. I guess what it comes down to, ultimately, is the dichotomy between what we want to do versus what we think we should be doing. And the lesson is to reconcile those two little voices in our heads so that they are one and the same, whispering exactly the same thing, each and every morning: wake up and face the day.


Monday, May 17, 2010
lay me down, by your side
This is Glen Hansard, the male lead in the incredible film Once, a modern-day musical set in Dublin, about a busker and an immigrant who fall in love whilst writing songs and singing together.
I would be remiss if I didn't also alert you to this beautiful, Oscar-winning song from the film, Falling Slowly (the clips reveal some parts of the film, so you may just want to listen if you think that you'd like to see it).
Once made me feel strangely grateful for not being naturally talented at anything (I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for me, honestly, it's something I accepted a long time ago!) I think that extraordinary talent can be as much of a hindrance as a blessing. How could these characters devote themselves to anything but music? Yet, they had virtually nothing.
This is one of my favourite films ♥ Please watch it, on a rainy day. With chocolate.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
winter basics
So, to give you an idea (if you're interested), here are my winter basics.
An Ode to No One tailored black velvet jacket
I bought this at Fat, in Melbourne GPO. An Ode to No One is an Australian Sydney-based label, and I truly believe that Australia has the best modern, young, (mostly) affordable fashion in the world. Fat is the first store I walked into, and this is the first jacket I picked up and tried on. I fell in love with it immediately and avoided all jackets for the rest of the trip.
Morrison "Leticia" black draped silk dress

2 Baia Vista black leather ballet pumps

Chloe Heloise blue leather handbag

Mine is a lighter blue colour, but the same style (similar to the nail polish below). I snatched it up in the Paris sales over Christmas.
Romantic Scarlett Johanssen-esque hair and makeup

Things to Buy
Leopard print scarf
Yes, this is the notorious Stephen Sprouse for Louis Vuitton silk-cashmere scarf. I came across it in Paris and I am still kicking myself for not buying it there. The rationale was "surely, I can find something exactly the same for a fraction of the price". No, actually, I couldn't! Not even in Melbourne when I visited a few weeks ago, looking absolutely everywhere for a leopard scarf. I may have to save my pennies and buy this online.
Jennifer Behr rose headband

Chanel Nouvelle Vague nail polish
This may clash a little with my handbag but it is so gorgeous. See Temptalia for swatches.
That's all! I hope this has inspired your winter wardrobe in some small way. xx
(Pictures via An Ode to No One, Morrison, Primped, Beloved and This is Naive)
favourite tweeters
I love twitter for several reasons:
1. It keeps me up-to-date. I check twitter and immediately I know what people are talking about - politics, music, fashion, feminism, celebrity scandals, tv shows, my friends' love lives. Granted, not all of these are relevant nor essential to my life. But I like being instantaneously in-the-know.
2. It's a form of sharing thoughts and ideas. I like it. It makes me think. Some of those thoughts are trivial, others are inspiring. It's fun, and makes me feel connected to the world-at-large. A world of my own creation. Which brings me to my next point...
Anyway, that is why I adore twitter. And here are a few of my favourite tweeters. I highly recommend that you follow them - if it suits you.
Alain de Botton @alaindebotton
Alain de Botton is a writer who imparts pearls of wisdom via twitter everyday.
The news so powerfully suggests 'what matters', it takes a while to realise 'but this drama is not my life' and switch off.
Chas Licciardello @ChasLicc
Chas (of The Chaser fame) is probably my single favourite tweeter because he has the best repertiore of links - always funny, informative and interesting.
How the world narrowly avoided environmental disaster 60 years ago through dumb luck http://bit.ly/9MyIsN
Funniest thing you'll read today -> Failed Attempts at Sexy Album Covers http://bit.ly/dCTtJb (via @scrivenersfancy)
Leigh Sales @leighsales
Leigh is the anchor for Lateline on ABC. She keeps me up-to-date with quality political analysis, plus she has a great sense of humour.
End your Friday night with a bit of Alec Baldwin/Jack Donaghy brilliance from 30 Rock http://bit.ly/dWp0
Josh Thomas @joshthomas87
Josh is my favourite comedian, next to Tim Minchin. I have been to quite a few comedy shows (Josh, Tim, Arj Barker, Carl Baron, Wil Anderson, etc) and his time:laugh ratio was the highest - and that was just his first show. Definitely one to watch!
a few people have commented on my large hips tonight. I have a pear shaped body. That is not really normal (or OK) for a man.
Tom and Lorenzo @tomandlorenzo
You will love "TLo" if you love Glee, Project Runway, Mad Men and scrutinising red carpet outfits. They are hilarious and, more importantly, thoughtful and intelligent.
Our #glee post is up! "Last week I joined a black church." http://tinyurl.com/27r8vfm
Launching "Mad Style," a look at the fashions of #madmen. First up: Bobbie Barrett. http://tinyurl.com/232vquz
Sarah Wilson @_sarahwilson_
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” http://bit.ly/dkQAxf
my challenging cup of tea with Edward do Bono (!) http://bit.ly/bA9i5b
Frankie Magazine @frankieMagazine
The twitter account of my all-time favourite magazine. Their lovely tweets often involve cupcakes and tea.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I love this :)
I hope it gives Generation X and the Baby Boomers (at least those who see it) some faith that Generation Y can be intelligent and contemplative. We're not so bad.
I think that the constant portrayal of Generation Y as shallow and selfish is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it's nice to see somebody break the mould.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
haruki murakami

As a result, you will most likely find a lot more of his quotes on this blog. Starting with —
"Potentiality knocks on the door of my heart. [On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning ]"
— Haruki Murakami (The Elephant Vanishes: Stories)