Today my boyfriend Andy and I arrived home after a 3-day road trip :)
Long walks on the beach during sunset, delicious tandori chicken kebabs (I'm so lucky to have a chef as a boyfriend), sunbaking in secluded white sandy bays, drinking beer and champagne, alternating iPods whilst driving in the car, swimming in the pool by moonlight, afternoon naps, beach hair, questioning the practicality of my new maxi dress, pestering Andy to wear sunscreen, trying to convert him to Mad Men, giggling at tourists feeding the seagulls, reading together (me - Tuesdays with Morrie, him - Dexter), icy cold calippos, watching a dolphin frolic in the water, losing my sunglasses, swimming all day in the pristine blue ocean.
That sounds like a wonderful trip!
Thanks lovely, it was :)
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